Home + Living

Life at home is a big deal for every mom. The category of home + living features articles about life at home — cleaning, organizing, home decor, etc. — as well as healthy menu plans and recipes, budget hacks, lifestyle inspiration, and the best resources in and around Dallas for living your BEST life!

Dallas Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Dallas Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular post or collection of posts represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Dallas Moms.

When the temps hit triple digits this summer, I looked at my husband and said, “Your turn.” He does 99% of the grilling, but a part of me felt guilty sending him out in 105-degree heat to flip hamburgers....
July is National Ice Cream Month, and with these triple-digit temps, it makes perfect sense to devote an entire month to this fan-favorite frozen desert. Ice cream is a year-long staple at our house, but during the summer months, we...
Looking for a great excuse to declutter? July 15 is National Give Something Away Day. Here are seven things to give away as well as some great Dallas-area charities to give your stuff to. Blankets & Towels Give your well-worn towels and...
July is National Grilling Month, and it's the perfect time of year to give your oven the night off and let your grill do the cooking. As the temperatures rise ever higher, there’s nothing I love more than firing...
These creative projects are fun for kids of all ages. That means you may want to get in on the fun, too! You probably already have all or most of the supplies you'll need at home, which makes these...
Let’s face it, summer can be a challenging time for Dallas moms. Driving to and from summer camp drop-offs and pick-ups. Waiting four hours at a swim meet for the 30 seconds your kid is competing. Fulfilling unrelenting requests for...
Father’s Day is right around the corner. If you're like me, you might be slacking a bit on shopping for the special guy in your life between swim lessons and summer camps... Father’s Day always tends to sneak up on...
National Best Friends Day is Wednesday, June 8, and it’s a great opportunity to celebrate those people in your life who you consider your best friends. If you’re anything like me, you have many best friends—something I’m not embarrassed...
Crypto, crypto, crypto! What is all the craze about? If you are anything like me, you've heard the word cryptocurrency on a near-daily basis at this point, but you still have absolutely no idea what folks are talking about....
It’s hot y’all. It’s summer in Dallas, and it is HOT. You would think with a lifetime of living in this city, I'd be used to the blazing Texas heat, but every July it hits me hard. I find...
Gorgeous balmy days, gentle breezes, and warmer temps can only mean one thing. Spring is coming, mama bears! Time to stock up on your favorite OTC allergy meds and declutter your household with some spring cleaning! I’m counting on...
Spring is upon us, and so is Easter! Right now, I am feeling INVIGORATED by the beautiful weather and pretty trees blossoming all around. Is there anything better than going out in the morning and seeing that new flowers...




Save the Date :: July Kid-Friendly Events in Dallas

How do $2 movies sound? Or concerts by the lake? A magic show . . . the circus? There is so much to do with the kids this month! Have a look at our roundup of family-friendly July events in Dallas.