“Don’t forget to be a good boy.” A predictable “momism” we utter without thinking every time we drop our kids off for a playdate or school or leave them with a sitter. “Being good” meaning remember to say please and...
Mommy, why are they holding a sign that says “Black Lives Matter”? Mommy, you said the police keep us safe. Why are those people mad at them? Mommy, you said we needed to wear a mask, why aren’t those people wearing...
There’s nothing like a visit to the ballpark, the crack of the bat, or chowing down on hot dogs while listening to Take Me Out to the Ballgame. Our family usually attends at least one Texas Rangers’ game every...
The Texas Education Agency has officially released its recommended guidelines on July 7, 2020 that school districts will use to plan for the 2020-2021 school year during the coronavirus pandemic. It is recommended that after-school providers and other programs...
Dear Pre-Pandemic Self, I know you think that 2020 is going to be your year, especially after the nightmare of a year you just had. You have dreams of sending your older son happily off to preschool, and basking in...
We’ve stayed at home, ordered groceries online, socially distanced from family & friends - we’re doing our part to try and keep others safe. But the fight isn't over.  As of Wednesday, June 25th, statewide, there has been a...
In a matter of weeks, a dad with two (adult) kids went from launching a Youtube channel to well over 2 million subscribers and over 7 million combined views on his handful of videos. Rob Kenney, who is based...
As a woman of color in America, I have deep sadness yet again over hate that has poisoned so many in our nation. I have friends from many different ethnic backgrounds.   Although we are different, knowing each other...
As some of you reading may know, my 2019 was less than ideal. I came up with some ways to care for myself, with the full expectation that 2020 would be drastically better. At first, it was! I gave birth...
When times feel uncertain, as they seem right now, it can be helpful to reach for something that makes us feel useful. While we are urged to practice social distancing and shelter-in-place in the effort to slow down the...
There are still so many unknowns with COVID-19. Why do some people get hit so hard? How are others totally asymptomatic?? I don't think I've ever been more curious about anything in my life. Give me data! But there's one...
Times are hard right now. People are living in fear and uncertainty. Schedules have been thrown out the window. Lives have been rearranged. The world is a scary place. But with all of the fear and anxiety it has...




A Mom’s Guide to the State Fair of Texas

It's that time of year again -- the State Fair of Texas is just around the corner! We have all the tips and tricks and know-before-you-go information to ensure your family has the best time at the biggest fair in the country.