Box O’ Toys


Every few months, it never fails, my almost-2-year-old seems to get tired of the toys we have around the house. He starts following me around, pulling off all the cushions from the couch, and wandering aimlessly, looking for something to get busy playing with. He can only fill up and dump out his bears from his dump truck so many times.

I’m sure I’m not alone when having the thought “I wish I could just borrow some new toys and then send them back when he gets bored again”. It’s just not cost-effective to buy new toys all the time. And even if you can find used, cheap, or free toys, that just means you’ll end up storing more and more toys that continuously get rotated in and out of the boredom cycle. And although Pinterest has a gazillion cute ideas for storage, who really has the time?!

Enter Box O’ Toys. The solution to the endless toy debacle. For a toy plan of your choice, you can rent a box full of toys and send it happily on its way back, just to receive a new box full of different toys each month. That’s right, when your kid gets inevitably bored of the new toys (and you get tired of hearing the clang clang of that darn cash register), you pack it up, leave it on the doorstep, and exchange it for a new box.Β You can even request certain toys and areΒ guaranteedΒ to receive at least 2 of the exact toys requested.

One thing that I especially loved about this service, is it gives my kids to opportunity to play with toys I wouldn’t regularly buy. For example, a play cash register. I have a severe problem of only being able to buy open-ended toys that foster unstructured, creative play (ie. blocks, counting bears, legos). But when that little, play cash register (that I had specifically requested) arrived in that glorious box, my little boy played with it for hours. Hours I tell ya! That beat out any unstructured lot of toys any day, and the imaginative play that came from it was just precious to watch.

Now I know what all you germaphobes (aka mothers) are thinking. I wondered the same thing. All toys are properly steamed cleaned with an organic sanitizing solution and vacuum sealed for each rental. No transfer of germs here!

The contents of your box aren’t limited to toys, which are age-appropriate up to tweens. You can be greeted with books, educational tools, gaming systems, and even designer diaper bags…all available upon request. You are sure to find something for everyone! You can even give the gift of Box O’ Toys for a baby registry.

Be sure to check out the Box O’ Toys website to browse all they have to offer. It’s easy to get started and begin enjoying your monthly loot!

Dallas Moms Blog has partnered with Box O’ Toys to bring you this information, but the opinions expressed are proudly ours.Β 



  1. Thanks for explaining nicely about “Box O Toys”. I’m very excited to visit their site to collect some exciting gifts for my father. Father’s day is near and hopefully they’re offering some great deal about it.

  2. This could be worth trying! I rotate out his toys every couple of weeks just to keep things fresh for him and that works but this also means more work for me and probably that we have too many toys πŸ™‚


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