Alright mamas, how did you do on school supply shopping last week? Get some good deals? We had so many of you use the shopping list we created last week that we thought we'd keep going, so here's round...
My youngest was just about 16 months when I enrolled her in a Mother’s Day Out program through our church. I was so excited for her to spend some time with a group of little ones around her age....
I think I speak for a lot of parents when I say that I do NOT like potty training. I honestly would rather go to the dentist every day for two-weeks straight than potty train my toddler. The picture to...
This past weekend I took a trip solo to BlogHer in San Jose, California. Since January, I've been so excited about this trip! Not only would it allow me to introduce businesses to Dallas Moms Blog and bring back...
We've all heard the saying "Never Pay Retail," but how many of us really believe that's actually possible? So maybe "never" is a bit presumptuous but as often as possible would be nice. I realized the secret to discovering all the...
As a professional photographer, I'm often asked what studio lighting equipment I use.  The truth is I don't care for studio lighting and have always been drawn to more natural light settings.  I love the simplicity and the softness...
I am a mother of four: two little boys and two bigger Pit Bull-mix girls. That shocks some people. "Is that safe?", they ask. It's a question that my mother never encountered, raising me alongside a Golden Retriever and...
Let's talk school supplies. I know, I know. The dog days of summer are almost over! Did June fly by and July seem like just a blip on the calender to anyone else? While I don't have any kids of school...
Dallas Moms Blog was invited to join Vanity Fair Lingerie in the the #LiftTour bus for a free bra fitting! While we did receive a complimentary bra, we were so inspired by their movement, we wanted to share their...
While planning a Moms' Night Out, Paint Me Away offered a complimentary party in order to provide a review. Please keep reading to learn more about this great new "mom" owned business in Downtown Garland for your next party!  On the...
For years, I carried a diaper bag instead of a purse. I cloth diapered two babies consecutively and simultaneously for three years straight. Just this year I looked back and realized: both my children have been potty trained for an...
Last month we set off on our first family of 4 road trip. Thanks to Pinterest, I was armed with an overload of car activities. I was ready to go and feeling pretty good about myself. About 45 min in,...




2024 Guide to VBS in Dallas County

We're always on the lookout for things to do with kids during summer break. How about some affordable VBS?