Back to school, it is already time to start thinking about it! It is a time filled with mixed emotions. You will miss the carefree days and nights of the summer when bedtimes and schedules can slide. However, you long for the structure of school and a place to take your kids where you can have a break and know they are in good hands. I put together a list of what items I need to remember every year around this time. Hope it helps!
- Forms. Get those school forms filled out! If you are new to a school there can be a lot of paperwork, but every new school year requires some additional paperwork as well as doctor records. This all needs to be submitted before the first day of school.
- Events. Attend “Meet the Teacher” day. My kids are both shy and timid for the first week of school. Meeting the teacher and the other kids in the class helps ease the transition and anxieties for that the day. If you can’t make this day, I recommend going to the school when you have a free afternoon and walking around, finding classrooms and talking through what the first day will look and feel like.
- Supplies. Chances are you won’t need to bring much of anything. However, every year I always need to have one family picture for each kid to bring in. So prepare for that- I never have any printed so I am always scrambling to print at Walgreens last minute!
- Gear. Most likely you will need a lunchbox (before packing your first lunch find out your school’s nut policy or any allergies in your child’s class), a backpack (all my son has in his is an extra set of clothes) and a sleep mat. I have found what I consider the best sleep mats- Allie’s Nap mats on Etsy. Allie, the designer is in Plano, so turn around time is fast. In fact last year, my son got sick on his and I needed a new one within days. I contacted Allie and she had one shipped out to me ASAP. However, be aware that this is a busy time for her Etsy shop, so order ahead!
- Tears. This can be for everyone involved, it is hard to say goodbye. I always remember when I have a rough drop off that the kids usually turn it around within minutes and have a fantastic day but the emotion can affect me all day. If you are worried about your kid, call the front office. They will report back that everything is fine and you will be able to continue on with your day- a real lifesaver!
I hope everyone has a fantastic first day back at school, I know I am counting down the days!