Leslie Hernandez

Leslie Hernandez
Leslie Hernandez is originally from Mexico, moved to the DFW when she was three, and has lived here ever since. She is a 5th-grade reading teacher at Burnet Elementary in Dallas ISD. Leslie currently resides in Irving with her husband Samuel, a high school principal. She is a proud mother to Aaron (9) and Andres, our angel baby. You can find her snuggling with Aaron or driving him to swim practice when she is not teaching in the classroom. She loves going to concerts with Samuel, trying new food around town with friends, organizing around her house, and giving back to the loss community in honor of Andres’ life. Follow along on Instagram @Laque
back-to-school teacher gift ideas

5 Simple Back-to-School Teacher Gifts

As summer dwindles, we prepare to head back to school. Back-to-school teacher gifts are a sweet way to welcome teachers back for another school year and show support. Teachers endure a lot; a small...