Leslie Bartula

Leslie Bartula
Leslie graduated from the University of Notre Dame where she met her husband, Matt. After living in Chicago (and its suburbs) for 10 years, they relocated to DFW and have lived in Richardson since 2016. She is a stay-at-home mama to three boys (May 2014, February 2016, and October 2021), one girl (July 2018), and a crazy pup. She spends her free time running, reading, cooking, gardening, and adding projects to their home improvement list. You can catch her with a cup of coffee in her hands (or being reheated in her microwave) all day long. Follow along on Instagram @villa_villebartula.

National Paper Airplane Day

Amazon Affiliate Links are used within this post. We appreciate your support! Do you know what today is? No? You should! May 26th is National Paper Airplane Day! Don’t worry, this celebration was not on...
St. Patrick's Day sugar cookies, St. Patrick's day activities for kids

St. Patrick’s Day Ideas for Kids at Home

Stuck at home this St. Patrick's Day? There are plenty of ways to celebrate at home! After living in Chicago for 10 years, I am definitely of the mindset that everyone is a little...

Tried-and-True Meal Train Ideas

If your friends are anything like mine, you get invited to contribute to a Meal Train at least once a month. I’m always happy to join, because when you’re going through a difficult time...

Winter Workout Essentials

Is the cold weather keeping you from working out? Don’t let it! With a little planning (and maybe some shopping), you can continue your outdoor workouts all winter long. Our winters here in Texas are...