Lee Cordon
The Contradiction of the Pregnancy Complication
Can we talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to pregnancy complications? If you've ever had a complication during pregnancy, you know exactly what I am about to say. It's what...
Dallas Schools :: Why I Chose a Classical School for My Children
With the flip-top wooden desks and lack of computers or iPads, you could easily mistake my daughter's classical school for something out of the 1950s. But it's not a longing for the good old...
My Go-To Food Gifts (That Aren’t Expensive!)
Do you ever just need a last-minute gift and want to know where you can grab something easy and thoughtful for a teacher, friend, classmate, hostess or even just a thank you present? Today...
Sanity-Saver: Mom’s Pre-Holiday Checklist!
As I have thought many times throughout my eight years of motherhood: I never realized how much my mom did for our family growing up until I had children, especially around the holidays! There is...
How to Start a Supper Club!
I am such a homebody that if I didn't have set things on the calendar I probably would stay home every weekend night, save for the occasional date night with my husband. That's why I really enjoy our...
Encouraging a Close Relationship with Long-Distance Grandparents
When I was five years old, my family moved 1,000 miles away from my grandparents. You would think that meant I wasn't very close to them growing up. But that was far from the case....
How I became the Editor in Chief of my Home
Last year I attended a talk on child rearing where the speaker talked about how we as mothers are the “editors in chiefs” of our homes.
She said we should constantly edit what comes into...