Lee Cordon

Lee Cordon
As a history major, Lee’s plan was to go to law school. But the best laid plans resulted in marrying young, moving far away from her Southern roots to foreign places like San Francisco and New England, and dabbling in everything from newspaper beat reporting to writing wine tasting notes to event planning. She and her husband, Justin, settled in Dallas eight years ago and have three joyful little girls who, thankfully, don’t mind eating Tex-Mex at least three times a week. Lee blogs at Do Say Give, where she writes about how to be lovely and gracious in everything we do, say, and give (with a little bit of fashion thrown in for fun!).

The Contradiction of the Pregnancy Complication

Can we talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to pregnancy complications? If you've ever had a complication during pregnancy, you know exactly what I am about to say. It's what...

Dallas Schools :: Why I Chose a Classical School for My Children

With the flip-top wooden desks and lack of computers or iPads, you could easily mistake my daughter's classical school for something out of the 1950s. But it's not a longing for the good old...

My Go-To Food Gifts (That Aren’t Expensive!)

Do you ever just need a last-minute gift and want to know where you can grab something easy and thoughtful for a teacher, friend, classmate, hostess or even just a thank you present?  Today...

Sanity-Saver: Mom’s Pre-Holiday Checklist!

As I have thought many times throughout my eight years of motherhood: I never realized how much my mom did for our family growing up until I had children, especially around the holidays! There is...

How to Start a Supper Club!

I am such a homebody that if I didn't have set things on the calendar I probably would stay home every weekend night, save for the occasional date night with my husband. That's why I really enjoy our...

Encouraging a Close Relationship with Long-Distance Grandparents

When I was five years old, my family moved 1,000 miles away from my grandparents. You would think that meant I wasn't very close to them growing up. But that was far from the case....

How I became the Editor in Chief of my Home

Last year I attended a talk on child rearing where the speaker talked about how we as mothers are the “editors in chiefs” of our homes. She said we should constantly edit what comes into...