Katy Walter

Katy Walter

5 Ways your Toddler is Exactly like your Office Coworker

I recently celebrated the one year anniversary of my current gig as a SAHM to one adorable but demanding boss, and before tackling this grueling occupation I worked an 8-5 office job for 15+ years.  While I definitely...

Chivalry is dead? Good thing there’s MOMALVRY.

The other day while mindlessly browsing headlines on twitter (trying to avoid eye contact with my toddler for a 30 minute “break”), I saw an article declaring that “chivalry is dead” and that “old-fashioned” chivalry needs to...
New mom looks lovingly at breastfeeding newborn while laying in hospital bed.

A Breastfeeding Journey in Four Stages

Stage One :: The Decision Timeline :: Pregnancy to week one Highlight :: Bumbling and somewhat awkward, that first post-birth nursing session is as heart-racing and exhilarating as a first kiss. Low point :: You wait patiently...

The Sock that Helps Mom Sleep: Owlet Baby Care

This post has been sponsored by Owlet Baby Care - a device designed to alert. All opinions are 100% our own! There’s nothing more jarring than the first few nights at home with a newborn,...

Our Family Is Just Like Yours : How the Orlando Shooting Struck Close To...

  Our family is just like yours. Two devoted parents of a little girl that is the center of our universe. We don't sleep late as much as we'd like. We rock/scissor/paper for who takes...

My Two Year’s resolutions

I hate New Year's resolutions. To me they are usually lazy wishes made in the hopes that somehow turning the page on the calendar will magically make you lose 10 pounds and read more books....

What I did instead of working on your baby book: A love note...

When your baby is about to turn one, you get infected with a mean case of nostalgia.  In the past two weeks I have cried watching videos of our first moments together, packing away tiny...

The Art of a Nap

Ask a stay at home mom what her favorite part of the day is and if she doesn’t say naptime, I call her bluff. I will be the first to admit that naps might...