Katie Lewis

Katie Lewis
After almost 20 years in Austin and Fort Worth, Katie now lives in Richardson with her husband and two kids. Favorite uses for her phone: reading library books and listening to comedy podcasts. Least favorite uses: making and receiving calls. If you've seen Death Becomes Her or Big Business more than once, you'll be best friends.
pregnancy resources in Dallas

Dallas Moms Pregnancy Guide: Education & Support Resources

This guide is sponsored by local partners to bring you details on Dallas pregnancy and postpartum resources. View our complete Dallas Moms Pregnancy & Postpartum Guide here. The more you know! We've compiled links to...
Labor & Delivery Hospitals in Dallas

Dallas Moms Pregnancy Guide: Labor & Delivery Hospitals

This guide is sponsored by local partners to bring you details on Dallas pregnancy and postpartum resources. View our complete Dallas Moms Pregnancy & Postpartum Guide here. Looking up hospital reviews online is kind of...
Midwife and Birth Centers in Dallas

Dallas Moms Pregnancy Guide: Midwives & Birth Centers

This guide is sponsored by local partners to bring you details on Dallas pregnancy and postpartum resources. View our complete Dallas Moms Pregnancy & Postpartum Guide here. For low-risk pregnancies, you have the option of...

{‘Neath the Wreath 2021} Fabulous, Fun, and For a Good Cause

This post has been sponsored by the Junior League of Collin County to bring you details on their upcoming ‘Neath the Wreath Holiday Market. This is always a GREAT way to usher in the holiday season....

Brainiac® :: TOTAL Snack Upgrade

This post has been sponsored by Brainiac®. All opinions are 100% our own. In recent years, I've gotten cranky about snacks. So often, they're nothing but empty calories and negligible nutrients. But kids still need...

Food Allergy Freedom Is Possible! {Southern California Food Allergy Institute}

If your child has a food allergy, you know how tough it can be to avoid exposure. Always bringing separate snacks. Reading a food label 5 times in a row to make sure you...

Keep Kids Safe In the Texas Heat {With These Tips from Children’s Health}

One of the largest, most prestigious pediatric health care providers in the country and the leading pediatric healthcare system in North Texas, Children's Health has earned the trust of Texas families by providing extraordinary care in...
close-up of splash pad water feature (consecutive red hoops spraying water)

Where to Find Splash Pads in Dallas

Before we go any further, let me say... if you're looking to cool off in Dallas this summer, don't miss our mega-post: Ways To Get Wet :: A Guide to Splash Pads, Pools, and...

How to Have a Romantic Valentine’s Day in Dallas :: 2021 Edition

Scheduling a date on Valentine's Day date can be a dubious proposition, what with the price increases, the hard-to-get reservations, and all the added pressure to have the most romantic time ever. But now?...

A Guide to Florists & Flower Delivery in Dallas

How many times have you wanted to send flowers in Dallas but didn't know which florist to use? Let's make things easier on ourselves with a roundup of florists and flower delivery in Dallas...

{Best of 2020} The Top 10 Posts of the Year

I have to be honest. I was shocked to see that some of these were written in 2020. Seems like it's been several years since Siobhan Kratovil's post on reducing "stuff" went viral (with...

In & Out: Quick Treatment for Common Ailments at CareNow

This post has been sponsored by CareNow. All opinions are 100% our own. While there are a lot of uncertainties in our lives right now, we do know one thing for sure: Non-coronavirus health issues don't...