Katherine Hill

Katherine Hill
Katherine and her husband, Christopher, grew up in Dallas and met at SMU (Go Ponies!). They have been married 13 years, and although they love The Great State, they lived in DC and Baltimore for seven years, where they experienced actual seasons and great seafood! They made their way back to Texas seven years ago to be closer to family. While working full time and pregnant with their curly-haired Little Man (February 2015), Katherine completed her Master’s degree in Communication and Leadership at Gonzaga University. She continues to work full-time as an Executive Assistant in downtown Dallas. Katherine loves dining in Dallas’ local restaurants; chips and salsa are her weakness! When she’s not running after her family or busy with church activities, you might find her working on a homemade craft or two. You can catch up with her on IG @withlovebykitty
Mamas who mow

A {Guide} for Mamas Who Mow

Call it initiation.  Baptism by fire?  Whatever it is, it's home ownership.  And cutting the grass is part of it.  I feel like I'm part of a new club, that gets even smaller when...
Epic Waters

5 Things to Bring on Your Trip to Epic Waters

**This post has been sponsored by Epic Waters to bring you this experience.  All opinions are 100% our own!** Epic Waters is the new, indoor water park in Grand Prairie.  I had no idea what...
toddler change

How to :: Help Your Toddler Navigate Change

There's nothing like introducing a little change to your toddler's life to make you rethink your parenting techniques.  Encouraging your toddler to ditch the paci is likely to make you both cry yourselves to...
FutureSearch Trials

Concerned about ADHD :: Work with FutureSearch Trials

**This post has been sponsored by FutureSearch Trials to bring you this experience.  All opinions are 100% our own!** As parents, we all just want the best for our kids. We want to provide them...

Maternity Must-Haves :: Top Picks for Pregnant Mamas

Is it your first time as a pregnant mom?  Isn't it exciting registering for your new baby?  When I was pregnant, I couldn't help picking up cute items for our Little Man every time...
air travel

6 {Essential} Tips for Air Travel with Grandparents & Kids

Trips that include multiple generations of family are one of the hottest travel trends right now. Over the holidays, we had the opportunity to travel for a big family trip which included my...
Urban Air

Urban Air :: High-flying Adventures in North Dallas

**This post has been sponsored by Urban Air to bring you this experience.  All opinions are 100% our own!** I was super excited to hear about the recent opening of Urban Air, a new adventure...

{10 Ways} to Show Your Kids you Love Them

Valentine's day is a great time of the year to remind your kiddos that you love them!  But don't let it be the only time.  We know that kids when kids feel loved and valued at...
diastasis recti

Diastasis Recti and the 3 Things I Had to {Re-learn}

I feel like I've been in "recovery" from my first pregnancy for three years. Pregnancy can definitely take a toll on a woman's body. I knew it would be important to take it easy...

Setting New Year’s Resolutions for {Toddlers}

With a new year comes the promise of a new beginnings, turning over a new leaf, and starting with a blank slate. Setting New Year's resolutions is an age-old tradition that allows us to...

The Working Mom’s Easy Advent Calendar

It's the happiest season of aaallllllllll!! I love this time of year. Truly. Our family has played Christmas music since October thanks to my Christmas-obsessed husband. Our tree went up the first week of...

Lakehill Prep :: A Dad’s Point of View

**This post has been sponsored and guest written by Lakehill Prep.  All opinions are their own.** I’m not the first to say this, nor will I be the last, "Lakehill Preparatory School just feels like...