Julia Acosta

Julia Acosta
Julia grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas, before earning a degree in public relations from Baylor University (sic em!). She and her husband, Herschel, met and married in Arkansas, and then the adventure really began. They moved five times (to four different states!) over seven years, before they finally found their way to Dallas in 2015. Julia is a stay-at-home mom to their three children (10, 7, and 4), but recently started working as a part-time preschool teacher. She loves traveling, cooking meals that only three members of her family will eat, and staying up way too late with a good book.

Let’s Gogh! : Discover Van Gogh and the Olive Groves at the DMA

On a recent cool, rainy day, my kids and I found the perfect escape — a day trip to the Dallas Museum of Art (DMA) to explore the Van Gogh and the Olive Groves...

How to Embrace the “And” in Motherhood

Motherhood is full of sacrifice. From the moment you are pregnant, you are literally sharing your body with another person. Motherhood is giving your body, your heart, your time, your tears, your love, your...
Mexican flag flying

Viva Mexico! :: A Guide to Mexican Independence Day

If you ask most of your friends when Mexican Independence Day is the answer will likely be May 5, or Cinco de Mayo. But the two holidays are not interchangeable. Mexican Independence Day is September...

5 Truths Your PTA Wishes You Knew

Before I had school-aged children, I held some preconceived notions about what a PTA was all about and who a "PTA mom" was -- and it wasn't flattering. In my mind a PTA was...

Date Your Kids :: Tips for Maximizing One-on-One Time with Your Kids

When is the last time you were asked on a date? How did it make you feel? Knowing someone wants to spend time with you and know you better is flattering and exciting! We...

3 Summer Salads to SAVE Your Sanity

I love to cook and experiment in the kitchen. But during the summer, I'm done. Summer in Texas makes me never want to turn my oven on again. However, it turns out my family...

{microblog} I’ve Been Holding My Breath for a Year, Now it’s Time to Breathe

I vividly remember the summer I was finally able to touch the bottom of the deep end of swimming pool where we spent most of our childhood summer days. Ears popping, arms outstretched, legs...

Raising Readers :: 5 Tips for Developing Literacy Skills in Preschoolers

My firstborn has been a reader all of her life, or at least it seems that way. Before she could actually read, she asked to be read to...constantly. As an avid reader myself, I...

Texas Travel :: RV Rentals

I admire families who own tents and actually use them. In my mind, I’d love to be that family. But we aren’t, and we won’t be—probably ever. While I LOVE being outside with my...