Jenny Bradford

Jenny Bradford
Jenny is a wife to Christian and mother of Little Sir, born Oct. 2009, and Little Lady, born Feb. 2011. She is a mom, a part-time Lagree Fitness instructor, and the author of Living Consciously, a blog about living consciously which includes being conscious of the impact we have on our earth by green living as well as being conscious of our own bodies through natural health and wellness, fitness and nutrition.

My Favorite Natural Remedies and Prevention

Because I tend to be the "green" contributor here at Dallas Moms Blog, I've had a lot of questions about how our family prevents cold and flu, and deals with the sniffles as they...

To Barbie or not to Barbie?

When my second child was born, we were over-the-moon excited that she was a girl (we didn't know the gender before either of our children's births), because now we had one boy and one...

7 Days of Indoor Play for Kids in Dallas

We just had 7 days of cold, wet weather but the kids and I left the house for indoor play every day. I thought I'd share the list of what we did for other...

Chemicals on your skin: what you don’t know can hurt you

'Tis the season for fun-scented lotions, perfumes, and soaps, right? When it comes to these products, we tend to hold a basic assumption about the ingredients: there can't be anything in this that would really...

Kidville’s Secret: Greatest Kids’ Haircuts in Dallas!

Over the last few months, my kids and I have been spending a lot of time at Kidville, one of Dallas Moms Blogs' sponsors*. As we've mentioned before, Kidville is an amazing place where...
Walking to school in our wagon

A Day In The Life Of – SAHM of two toddlers

Today's "Day In The Life" comes from Jenny, whose two toddlers are less than 16 months apart in age. She works part time as a Lagree Fitness Instructor, blogs as a contributor for Dallas...

My favorite Dallas bloggers

Later this week in New York City, around 4,500 bloggers will gather at the annual BlogHer conference to celebrate all that is wonderful about blogging. City Moms Blog will be there, as well as...

When Daddy is Away

I am not going to lie, when my husband announced his company was sending him to a conference he'd been wanting to attend, I got a little worried. I am really blessed to have...

Grocery shopping from home in DFW

You might find this scenario familiar: your pantry and refrigerator are bare. One or more of your children are asleep (while you're driving in the car or stuck at home), and when they wake up,...
kids birthday party at Dallas park

Easy Birthday Parties: Dallas Area Parks

2022 update: For links other outdoor party spots and links to local park pavilion rentals, check out our Guide to Outdoor Birthday Party Venues in Dallas. When we chose our last few homes, there was...

Donating your old mobile phone

Lately, more and more of us moms rely on our smart phones for everything from email to grocery lists to apps that amuse our kids -- far beyond just the traditional phone calls and...

41 Days Without Shampoo

Are you aware of the "no poo" movement? It's a popular practice in the "green" or natural-minded community meaning "no shampoo". The idea is that our scalps and hair are fully able to cleanse...