Jennifer Fiske

Jennifer Fiske
Jennifer ("Jenn") Fiske grew up in San Antonio as the only-child from a military family. She's lived in DFW for 10 years with her husband, and their family has grown to include their toddler son and a sweet puppy. Jenn is a registered dietitian nutritionist with a master's in exercise and sports nutrition. She worked with FC Dallas for several seasons while also coaching gymnastics at WOGA Frisco. She's also worked with Medical City Healthcare, DFW Airport, and Frisco ISD. Jenn is a self-proclaimed bookworm who bakes when she's stressed. Jenn loves being active through strength training and yoga and exploring parks with her son. When it comes to family feeding and nutrition, Jenn believes keeping things simple and lighthearted paves the way for enjoyable family meals.
Three preschoolers sit on the ground with the middle child embracing them.

How to Choose a Daycare :: Tips for First-Time Moms

Of all the decisions I made as a first-time mom, choosing a daycare was the toughest. I couldn't find a cheat sheet or checklist to guide me. So I made one!
Cleaning supplies such as rubber gloves, multipurpose solution, and towels.

5 Tips to Streamline Your Spring Cleaning

Spring-cleaning can be daunting. Tackle what you can and create a plan for the rest.
Three hearts, cut out of construction paper, hang on a clothes pins and spell "mom" written in crayon.

Heart Health Tips for Mom, the Heart of the Home

Heart health is affected by many things and the body does not “magically” overcome them all.
A mom holds her daughter as she reaches for a mushroom in the produce section of a grocery store.

5 Easy Food Swaps for Healthy Eating {PRINTABLE Grocery List Included!}

So, you’re on board with the plan: small kitchen swaps for the win! What are we swapping?
A table filled with holiday dishes.

How to Have a Healthy, Happy Holidays

The holidays can be tough for many reasons. All the planning in the world won’t alleviate the unknowns and “what ifs” ahead. Oh, let me count the ways things can go awry. As moms, we...
gratitude journal for moms

Embracing Gratitude as A Busy Mom

I’m the mom who’s always running — running out the door in the morning, running between meetings, furiously trying to leave work on time, apologizing to my toddler for picking him up late ...
toddler with cereal bowl

Back-to-School Breakfast: Tips & Tools From a Registered Dietitian

“You asked for waffles; I made you waffles!” “Stop playing in your cereal!” “Don’t touch your brother’s toast; you have your own toast!” Oh, the sounds of breakfast on a school day…the perfect storm of planned chaos...

Travel-Friendly Snacks for Toddlers {Snack List Included!}

Summer is here! Moms are busy planning adventures and packing bags. We’re great at planning ahead for any situation, but feeding toddlers is the epitome of unpredictable. Summer adventures require ample fuel, a.k.a., food. Meals are...
toddler grabbing strawberry

Healthy Snacks for Busy Toddlers {Snack List Included}

“I want cereal!” “No, not that cereal!” “I want milk!” “I want to pour it myself!” “I don’t want cereal! I want toast!” Repeat. Daily. Moms everywhere laugh and empathize when friends talk about the struggles of feeding a toddler....