Gabrielle Cullen

Gabrielle Cullen
Gabby Cullen arrived in DFW by way of Northern California in 2013. After a career in Media Relations, she now works from home as a part-time editor and writer for a digital media company. She's the proud mama of a pixie princess (October 2009) and a lil' man (November 2013). She loves to dance, enjoys good food, wine, books, and friends. You can find her exploring with her family on the weekends, attempting to master the art of DIY'ing, and dreaming up new travel plans. She'll tweet at anyone willing to read her 140 characters. Find her on Instagram @gabbycullen

Dear Dallas: I’ve Got a Crush on You

Dear Dallas, Valentine’s Day is here and I got to thinking about crushes. It’s been a while since I’ve had a crush on a city. I lived in one town in the Bay Area for thirteen...

I Throw Away My Kid’s Art: Keep the Best and Get Rid of the...

I throw away my 5 year old’s art and craft projects. The coloring pages, the random scribbles, the watercolors, and now with Pre-K, the tracing pages, the lessons, the patterns! Yup, I junk it! Okay,...

Staycation Spectacular: Experience Sparkle! Christmas at the Anatole

Dallas Moms Blog received free admission to Sparkle! and overnight stay at the Anatole in order to provide this review. I’ve never had a hotel “staycation” so I wasn’t sure what to expect from the...

25 Must-Do Holiday Activities for Your Family this Season

There are some activities you can really do up during the holidays. I mean, sure, you could sing Christmas songs any other time of year, or make dozens of cookies for neighbors and loved...

Help Others This Holiday Season: Donate Food or Toys to Dallas Families

Ahhh the holidays…..the time of year when we eat too much, spend too much, celebrate a little too often and have fun doing it! I know I love the holidays. Well, except maybe the part...

Crafting Fun :: DIY Glitter Leaves

I’m going to go out on a limb and say I’m crafty. I mean, if I actually manage to pick a project, buy the supplies and then proceed to spend way too much time...

Playground Trends: Mom-Friendly Fall Fashion

A lot of moms, especially those of us who are stay at home or work from home, consider a day which includes a shower, makeup and clean clothes a major victory. And high heels? Maybe...

We Are In It Together: Why My 4 Year Old Has Chores

Besides the basic self-care tasks like brushing teeth and combing hair, I’m pretty sure I didn’t have regular chores at 4. Fast-forward 30 years... My daughter is sweet, smart, stubborn and sometimes defiant. Yup, a pretty...

Flying Fun: 4 Tips For Surviving A Flight With Kids

In the last five years, this mama has had her fair share of flying with kids. With our relatives split between California and Texas, we make the nearly cross country trek at least twice annually....

Get Running: Why A 5K Can Be Quality Family Time

A few months ago, my 4 year old daughter experienced her first 5K run with her uncle. He pushed two kiddos in a double stroller, so awesome! Then, a few weeks later, she asked me...

Words Of Wisdom: How I’m Putting My Mom’s Advice To Good Use

As a proud mama of a pixie princess with a wild imagination, a stubborn sense of what’s what, and a powerful mind eager to learn, I often have phrases such as “Let’s go play...