Emily Harrison

Emily Harrison
Although born in Austin, Emily grew up on the Eastside of Fort Worth. After marrying her high school sweetheart, and following the military's whims for a few years, the lovebirds wound up back in the Fort, with their three children in tow. Currently, Emily shares her love of books and writing with both her children and her middle school students. On the weekends, you'll find her outside running local streets and trails, as well as being her kids' biggest fan at whatever sport may be in season.
A mom pushes a baby stroller on her run outside on a running path.

6 Hacks to Run like a Mother :: Train to Trot for Beginners

Whether you’re planning to do the YMCA Turkey Trot with family, friends, or on your own, the Texas Health Train to Trot is a fun way to get moving. Read on for runner 101 tips to get started on your running journey.