Brooke Bolt

Brooke Bolt
My name is Brooke and I grew up in a small town east of Dallas where I attended all of grade school…. a town where everybody knows everybody & where my family still resides! I moved to North Dallas June of 2016 and I fall in love with the fast-paced/ forever changing environment a little more each day. I graduated from Texas A&M Commerce in 2013 with a Bachelor’s of General Studies. I decided one degree wasn’t enough so I {crazily} decided to take my education a step further at Dallas Baptist University where I graduated in December 2016 with a Masters of Arts in management. I am a single momma to 2 spunky/sassy/hilarious/head-strong/energetic/beautiful little girls, Marli (8) & Madison (5 months). Aside from spotlighting as a pro mac-n- cheese maker & boo-boo kisser, I work full-time as a Pre-Sale Specialist for a group insurance company and am a Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay. My hobbies include constantly planning our next trip to Disney World (or as I like to call it, Home because we are a bit obsessed!), cruising through Target with a latte in hand, & of course, living my true purpose in life - being a girl-mom! The girls and I love to be outdoors when weather permits, hang out at Starbucks and look for opportunities to serve others! Just like most every mom out there, my life revolves around my children's social lives, so finding a moment to have a little “me time” is rare. Whenever that glorious moment comes around, I try to unwind with a cup of coffee or the occasional glass of wine and binge on Netflix. Our lives are very full and at times a bit chaotic, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

What to Expect at your Child’s First Dental Appointment

**This post has been sponsored by myKIDSdds to bring you this experience.  All opinions are 100% our own!** Deciding when and where to take your child for a dental exam can be tricky. A thousand...

Showing Appreciation to Your Stay At Home Spouse

One of the most underrated jobs in the entire world is that of a stay-at-home (SAH) parent. It is often perceived as a vacation to be able to stay at home and do nothing...
welcoming a puppy

Quick Tips for Welcoming Home a Fur Baby!

Since I had my first daughter Marli, my dream was to have a loyal, family dog for my kids to grow up with. I knew I wanted her to have a pet she could...

Great Wolf Lodge :: Howl of a Good Time for Families!

Dallas Moms Blog received a complimentary stay in exchange for this post. All opinions are 100% our own! Stop what you are doing and rediscover Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, Texas! Our family just returned from...
unromantic Valentine's

A Very Unromantic Valentine’s Day

Brace yourselves...a wave of red roses with a side of decadent chocolate is coming! Don't worry, after 24 hours of mushy mayhem, it will all be over and our lives will commence as normal. Don't...

Reflection Over Resolution :: Happily Remembering 2018

The New Year is here and as tradition will have it, we are all making resolutions to be a better version of ourselves in some way. I always look forward to a New year--365...

When Anxiety Interferes :: Finding the Peace

If anxiety were a person, it would be the kind of person that knocks on your door unexpectedly, forces their way into your home and destroys everything in their path. A “Murphy’s Law” kind...

Today I was a Lazy Mom…And That’s OK!

I wish I could say this post is filled with an abundance of information on a useful topic, or an awesome how-to for moms, but it’s not. It is simply one of those, easy read,...

Quick Tips for Flu Season Survival!

Sneezing, fever and coughs… oh my!! Guess what time of the year it is? That’s right! Dreaded flu season. Everyone just take a moment and remember how awful the strain was last year. The news...
Kindness challenge

Back-to-School Kindness Challenge!

The time has come...and I can't believe it.  The 2018-2019 school year has snuck up on us and is about to be in full swing! I  can honestly say I have a love hate...

Power of a Mom Tribe :: Surviving Motherhood

*Takes sip of wine* "Tell me everything..." The 3 words I live for from my best friend. It doesn't matter what is going on in our worlds, if one of us is in crisis or we...

3 Basic Principles for Successful Co-Parenting

There is no sugar-coating this, co-parenting can be messy and it is hard. Co-parenting with an ex is probably one of the biggest sacrifices you will make as a parent and the truest act...