Amanda Lauro

Amanda Lauro
Amanda is a co-sleeping, wine drinking, homeschool teaching, Bravo/HGTV watching, wife/mom/step mom. She married her fun hacker husband, Tony, almost 9 years ago and became a stepmom to 2 really cool kids, Nick and Izzy. Then she had 2 more cool kids - Miles and Natalie. Recently moved back to Dallas (from Frisco), Amanda and family can't get enough of urban living. Check out her blog at Miles Away From Suburbia.  All the pictures she posts of her kids on IG. And all the dinners she'll never make on Pinterest.  

Are You On Pinterest Yet?

I'm sure y'all are about a thousand steps ahead of me on this one - but, just in case you're not, did you hear that Pinterest is now open to the public?!   Anyone...

Amanda’s Top 5 Pool Must Haves

Maybe you've noticed the Facebook pictures of all your friend's car dashboards with the temperature display, or maybe you've seen the Tweets with the forecast for the week, or maybe you've just walked out...

What’s For Dinner?

Summer means a lot of different things to different families -- long days, pool time, vacation, insane heat... watermelon!  And for blended families, like ours, it also means that my husband's kids are with...

What Should I Read At The Pool this Summer?

Reading has always been one of my favorite past time.  I love to lose myself in a good book!  And I especially love a good book series that has me hooked from book one...

City (Or Area, Rather) Spotlight: Uptown

Miles and I found ourselves running errands in Uptown the other day and ended up having a few hours to kill before the iPhone repair guys could fix a broken iPhone (score 100 for...

How To Have A Fun “Stay”cation!

With everyone talking about all the awesome vacations they are about to go on this summer, I can't help but get a little jealous.  Since I'm about to start a new part-time job we...

Massage Envy and a GIVEAWAY

As the mom of a toddler I probably bend down to pick Miles up about, oh, one thousand times a day.  At least.  And I usually don't lift with my knees.  Add to that...

Belo Garden – New Park In Downtown Dallas

I really had no idea that being a Stay At Home Mom also came with the title of Event Planner.  And much to my surprise "Bridezilla" ain't got nothing on "Toddlerzilla"!  These toddlers are...

Bookstores – The Hidden Gem

Back BB (Before Baby) one of my favorite things to do was grab a coffee and browse the aisles of a book store.  It didn't matter which one, Barnes and Noble, Boarders (RIP), Half...


Ideally most of us are preparing lovely 5-course homemade meals with the fresh ingredients from our produce co-op 3 times a day.  And of course, our little ones clear their plates and even help...

Free Makes Anything More Fun

A while ago I posted about Fun things to do in Downtown Dallas with your kids.  And I've got to admit, I was pretty embarrassed that we had not taken advantage of First Tuesdays at...

Baby Translator

Miles is going to be 20 months at the end of this month, which is just a little over a year and a half to all those without mom-brain-mad-math-skills.  And according to all of...