Amanda Lauro

Amanda Lauro
Amanda is a co-sleeping, wine drinking, homeschool teaching, Bravo/HGTV watching, wife/mom/step mom. She married her fun hacker husband, Tony, almost 9 years ago and became a stepmom to 2 really cool kids, Nick and Izzy. Then she had 2 more cool kids - Miles and Natalie. Recently moved back to Dallas (from Frisco), Amanda and family can't get enough of urban living. Check out her blog at Miles Away From Suburbia.  All the pictures she posts of her kids on IG. And all the dinners she'll never make on Pinterest.  

Growing Growing Gone: Consignment Sale $100 Giveaway

If you LOVE consignment sales as much as we do (name brand prices for less?  Yes please!), then you definitely want to hear about Growing Growing Gone! They are DFW's newest consignment event held at the...

Working Out While Pregnant: Why and How?

I'll be the first to admit that finding the time and motivation to work out is HARD!  There are usually a million other things that need to be done.  Or, I'm exhausted and would...

How to Help Your Child (And You!) Get the Best Night’s Sleep – Sound...

It's no secret that a well rested baby (and toddler (and especially - momma!)) is a happy one!  The secret, however, is in HOW to get your child the best night's sleep possible. I've written...

5 Favorite Dallas Pizza Places to Take the Kids

When I first met my Italian husband (and his two Italian bambinos) I don't think I was prepared for the amount of pizza I was destined to consume for the rest of my...

DMB Share the Love

February is the month for love!  As mommas there's lots for us to love - sleeping babies, how our kids smell after bath, cuddle time, when our toddlers finish their veggies (or, in my case...

5 Fun Facts About Your First Trimester

Since most women choose to wait 12 weeks before telling anyone about their pregnancy, there's a lot that we have to suffer through in silence that first trimester.  Life is going on around us like...

Get the Most Out of Your Instagram Account: Tips and Tricks You May Not...

I don't know about you, but I'm more than a bit overwhelmed by Social Media sites. Pinterest takes up way more of my time than I'd like to admit, but I feel like the benefits...

Making Your Own Holiday Traditions

Growing up my family never celebrated Christmas, or any holidays for that matter.  It sounds worse than it is, you can't really miss something you never had - and my parents have always been...

Klyde Warren Park – Downtown Dallas’ Newest (and Best) Addition

Do you know how much energy a 2 year old boy and a 10 month old puppy have?  I'm not even sure metrics go up that high!  Now imagine all that energy wrapped up...

When You Can’t Beat ‘Em — A Tale of Tantrum Woes

I remember it like it was yesterday - that first mortifying, horribly embarrassing tantrum at Target.  Miles was about 15 months and we had gone to pick up a few things, but mostly just to...

Pumpkin Village at the Dallas Arboretum*

*Dallas Moms Blog cannot be held responsible if your head explodes from the cuteness you are about to be subjected to!  But we do apologize in advance, because it's very likely to happen... As soon...

A Day In the Life Of — One Happy Life

Now it's time for a day in the life of part-time working momma, Amanda.  Find out how her days normally go with her husband, 2 year old son, and crazy puppy in their one...