Amanda Lauro

Amanda Lauro
Amanda is a co-sleeping, wine drinking, homeschool teaching, Bravo/HGTV watching, wife/mom/step mom. She married her fun hacker husband, Tony, almost 9 years ago and became a stepmom to 2 really cool kids, Nick and Izzy. Then she had 2 more cool kids - Miles and Natalie. Recently moved back to Dallas (from Frisco), Amanda and family can't get enough of urban living. Check out her blog at Miles Away From Suburbia.  All the pictures she posts of her kids on IG. And all the dinners she'll never make on Pinterest.  

5 New-to-You Family Favorite Recipes for Fall

Last month I visited my sister in Seattle, and she has totally inspired me! She served up some delicious dinners that got me in the mood for fall and the upcoming holiday season.  Some...

Suburban Vs Urban Living – Missing Downtown Dallas

Our friends think we are crazy.  Our family thinks we're insane.  More is always better, right?  And everything is bigger in TX!  But we just can't help it... my husband and I miss our...

#HowWeFamily :: Building Relationships in Small Spaces {Brought To You By TYLENOL®}

I have received information and materials from Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc, the makers of TYLENOL® in order to provide this sponsored post. All opinions are 100% my own. Almost 4 years ago in a...

Cool Ideas to Keep From Overheating This Summer

It's about that time of year again when we all regret ever saying "I hate the cold, I can't wait for summer." It's Texas-summer-hot, y'all! It's burn-your-feet-running-from-the-chair-to-the-pool hot.  It's lobster-sunburn-oh-my-lanta-it-hurts hot. It's my-makeup-is-melting-off-my-face-why'd-I-bother hot. It's don't-touch-the-car-seat-buckles-unless-you-want-3rd-degree-burns hot. It's "I hate...

Mom Tech: My Samsung Gear 2 Watch – How Did I Ever Live Without...

To be honest, I've wanted to write about my Samsung Gear 2 since almost the first day I got it as Christmas present, but I didn't want this post to come of like a...

Mommy is Taking a Sick Day

I woke up this morning with the raging headache I fell asleep with -- so I called in sick, rolled over and went back to sleep for another 2 hours.  A sick body needs...
getting started with homeschool in Dallas

Our Homeschooling Journey: Part 1

I have had the homeschooling bug for over a year now. There have been so many great posts on Dallas Moms by our contributors and guest authors with such great information: Three Ways the New Breed...

Are You Prepared for Worst Case Scenario?

Some things are hard to think about. And some things are just almost too horrible to think about that we brush them under the rug and pretend like we don't have to think of them, ever.  Or...

5 Reasons Why I Don’t Mind When My Husband Travels for Work

While I was pregnant with our second child my husband got a new dream job.  He's in the IT field and he found *the* company who appreciates his expertise and utilizes his talents -...

When Is It Okay to Critique Another Mom?

I just did something that maybe I shouldn't have done.  I told a new mom (by the looks of it) that she was doing something wrong.  And I watched as her face went from...

Ultimate Holiday Movie Guide

It's cold outside and there's a fire in the fireplaces.  It's finally time to snuggle in our pjs, get the kids some hot chocolate (and some eggnog for me) and put on our favorite...

How to Be Best Friend’s With Your Husband’s Ex

My sister was recently in town for my daughter's birthday party and she kept teasing me -- "Is your new best friend coming to the party?" She was talking about my step-kids' mom. "Shut up,...