Amanda Lauro

Amanda Lauro
Amanda is a co-sleeping, wine drinking, homeschool teaching, Bravo/HGTV watching, wife/mom/step mom. She married her fun hacker husband, Tony, almost 9 years ago and became a stepmom to 2 really cool kids, Nick and Izzy. Then she had 2 more cool kids - Miles and Natalie. Recently moved back to Dallas (from Frisco), Amanda and family can't get enough of urban living. Check out her blog at Miles Away From Suburbia.  All the pictures she posts of her kids on IG. And all the dinners she'll never make on Pinterest.  
table of school stuff, how to choose a homeschool curriculum

Prepping for our School Year {Homeschool Edition} :: How to Pick Curriculum

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of all the moms picking out adorable backpacks with matching lunchboxes and *the* outfit for the first day of school.  I know the grass is...

Snapchat – A How To Guide – And Why I’m Obsessed!

If you're anything like me, you might not know all the cool and fun things this Snapchat app for your phone has to offer.  Honestly, I thought I was too old/too uninterested to bother. ...

Mom Confession: I Do NOT Want to Take My Kids to Disney… Ever

Call me the Disney Scrooge if you want, but I think I would rather have a root canal then take my kids to Disney World.  Or Disney Land.  Or Universal Studios.  I just cannot...

7 Things My Kids Do Just to Drive me Insane

I hate to call my sweet little bundles of joy -- diabolical, but I'm gonna be honest, I'm starting to wonder.  There are just certain things that keep happening, over and over, despite my...

Oak Cliff is Where It’s At – Dallas Area Neighborhoods

If you've lived in Dallas for longer then 10 years you might remember when Oak Cliff was not the place to take your family for a day of fun.  But by now you've probably...

Parenting Hacks That Are Crazy, Lazy, or … Genius?

I just want to give a big shout out to all the blogs that tell me it's okay I'm not always a perfect mom.  I wake up every day with the best of intentions...

Suburban Vs Urban Living – Part 2 – Back To Dallas

Last spring my husband and I started feeling a little bit... restless.  We couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right!  In the fall, I posted about how crazy we felt having a great...

Why I Think The New Star Wars Movie is Great for My Kids

It's funny how motherhood changes the way you see the world around you.  Everything you watch, you see it through mom eyes.  Every song on the radio you hear it through mom ears.  And...

Being Honest About Santa

Santa Claus, Kris Kringle, Jolly Ole Saint Nick!  Whether or not you include Santa in your Christmas traditions - there is no avoiding him.  That dude is everywhere!  I decided a long time ago that...

It’s a JW Hill Country Christmas in San Antonio

Dallas Moms Blog received a complimentary stay at the JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa in order to bring you this review of a fun family getaway. All opinions are 100%...

Do Kids Belong At a Funeral?

Unfortunately, this past year my family had 2 funerals to attend.  My husband's uncle and my aunt passed away after both being sick for a while. For us, it was never a question on whether...

My Son Loves to Get Pedicures, And Other Things That Shouldn’t Matter

What's more fun than gold toes like C3PO?  White toes like R2D2!  Or black like Darth Vadar!! Surely my son isn't the first 5 year old boy who didn't want to be left out when...