5 Veggie-Forward Recipes You Need to Try This Spring!


At the start of March, I crave the signs of spring. Each day, I look for spring flowers and blades of green grass popping out of the ground. I even catch myself sniffing the air in the hopes that today will be the day I smell spring.

As I shed my winter coat and hat, my meals shed their warmth and coziness and become fresher and lighter. I start using our outdoor grill more often, and our meals have a veggie vibe that only spring can bring. Start looking for fresh spring veggies—asparagus, artichokes, spinach, and peas—at your local grocer and try some of these delicious veggie-forward recipes!

grilled spring vegetables, family-friendly spring veggie recipes DM

My Top 5 Family-Friendly Spring Veggie Recipes

Veggie Pizza

The thing I love about veggie pizzas is that they are totally customizable! You can make your own crust in the oven or on the grill or just buy a good ol’ Boboli from the store.  Don’t have time to make your own marinara? Just grab one from your nearest refrigerated section. Will your kids only eat broccoli? No problem. Pick the toppings you and your family will love. If you need a place to start, check out this Ultimate Veggie Pizza.

Grilled Veggie Bowls

One of my absolute favorite things to eat in the spring is a grilled veggie bowl. I generally make this meal at the end of the week when I have a bunch of leftover veggies that need to be eaten. But instead of roasting them in the oven, I’ll toss in olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic, then throw them on the grill for 20–30 minutes or until soft. Add cooked brown rice to your bowl, place your grilled veggies on top, include some beans for protein, and drizzle with pesto (here’s my fave from the Defined Dish) or a pre-made citrus dressing. So much YUM!

Pasta Primavera

I’m not much of a pasta eater. But when spring is in full swing, I can’t help myself. I love lighter pasta dishes that are full of veggies and flavor. Give this amazing pasta primavera recipe a try.  Yummy pasta—check!  A light, bright sauce—check! All the colorful veggies—double check! Add in some grilled chicken and you’ve got yourself a meal.

Warm Spring Salads

Just because it’s starting to warm up outside, doesn’t mean I only want cold salads from here on out. A hearty salad with both warm and cool ingredients is like a dance party in my mouth. Here are a few of my favorite warm salads:

Potato and Arugula Salad

Lentil and Root Vegetable Salad

Warm Spring Salad

Veggie Sides

I love a grilled protein like chicken or pork as much as I love my veggies. For those days when I want my protein to shine, these are a few of my favorite veggie side dishes:

Corn Salad

Spring Asparagus

If those aren’t your style, check out these 40 Fast, Spring Vegetable recipes from Taste of Home.

As you may have figured out, I love food and spring is my favorite season. It feels amazing to get out from underneath layers of heavy, winter clothes and into the sunshine. I believe our meals should have the same opportunity to lighten up. Tonight, instead of putting dinner in the oven, I encourage you to grab your favorite spring veggie (or try a new one!) and explore one of these new-to-you recipes.

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Kirsten McCarthy
Kirsten was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and is married her high school sweetheart, Ryan. Her family relocated to Dallas. when their first daughter Kaelyn (October 2012) was 18 months. After their second daughter Alanna was born (October 2014), Kirsten became a certified group fitness Instructor and taught bootcamp-style classes to local moms with strolled-aged kiddos. Their third daughter Nora (April 2017) was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was 18 months. While struggling to manage her daughter’s T1D, Kirsten went down the rabbit-hole of nutrition and became a certified health coach. She opened her private coaching practice in April of 2020 where she currently provides health and nutrition support to local mompreneurs. You can find her playing with her girls outside or trying a new workout.


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