4 Reasons DMB Moms Use Fresh Wave

This post has been sponsored by Fresh Wave Works, a favorite product of Dallas Moms Blog contributors. All opinions below are 100% our own. 

Every stage of motherhood is unique! From newborns to toddlers to teenagers, every mom experiences new trials and tribulations that weren’t there just a year before; whether it’s sleep training, potty training, or girl/boy troubles, moms are constantly having to learn new “tricks of the trade” to help make our children’s lives (and our lives) easier! 

As we survive one growing pain into another, there’s one thing seems to remain constant…smells. The moment a child enters your home, new smells begin to take over. While we all wish that freshly washed newborn smell could be bottled as an air freshener, it’s not the good smells that tend to stick around. Diapers exploding, throw up, muddy & sweaty clothes, used underwear…it takes over the home.

You can turn to Pinterest for homemade, all-natural remedies for ways to mask these fun odors or throw the first air freshener you see on the shelf into the basket, but we’ve discovered a new “trick of the trade” you’ll need to try yourself. There’s one new product on the market that is proving to be the most effective for moms of all stages – Fresh WaveAnd it’s sold at Target, so you know it must be good! 

To put it to the test, we’ve asked 4 Dallas Moms Blog contributors to try Fresh Wave where it’s needed most and we’ve come up with 4 reasons why Fresh Wave works across all sages of motherhood. 

Fresh Wave Dallas Moms Blog Pets1. Hiding the Odor of a Fury Friend

Valerie, Future Mom-In-Training: If you are like me, you love a full and bustling home. I grew up in a household full of pets, and I want my future kids to have the same experience. My husband and I absolutely love our 75 lb. chocolate lab, Kona, but we are NOT in love with his excess hair and dog musk.

On average we vacuum 2-3 times per week, and over time, our vacuum starts to smell like dog. And really, there is nothing worse than the futility of vacuuming your home, just to have it leave behind dog musk. Fresh Wave Pearl Packs are a great solution for our home! We put the gel packet in our vacuum canister and it helped eliminate the odor that comes along with pet dander. Then, when the canister is full, we can dump all the contents and put a fresh packet in the vacuum. Voila! We can now love on our sweet pup, and still have a pleasant smelling home.

Now if only we could find a solution to the hair issue…
Fresh Wave Dallas Moms Blog Diaper Pail

2. Removing the “Not So Nice” Baby Smells

Amanda H, Stay at Home Mom to 2 girls (ages 5 & 2) Girls are sugar, spice and everything nice. Except their diapers, which smell anything but nice. We have a diaper déKor next to the changing table and I feel like we fight diaper odor, despite changing it regularly and taking anything with a particularly pungent odor out to the dumpster immediately. About a week ago I placed a Fresh Wave Odor Removing Gel jar just behind the déKor and an Odor Removing Packet the bottom of the déKor, sitting just underneath the liner bag. I’m happy to report the diaper smell is gone, and the only thing you smell in her room is…everything nice.

Fresh Wave Dallas Moms Blog Realty3. Helping to Sell a Home

Bethany, Working Mom to 2 children (ages 5 & 2): I am a classic Type A momma and thus, I usually keep a tight ship around my house in terms of cleanliness and tidiness.  Having said that, nothing prepared me for how neurotic one becomes when your house is listed for sale.  We put our house on the market a few weeks ago and all of a sudden, I am noticing smells that I NEVER noticed before.  “Does my closet carpet smell like wet dog?!?” “Does my son’s room smell like sweat?!?” “Am I seriously still smelling my daughter’s diaper from yesterday?!” “Why does my laundry area smell like rotten eggs???”  Insert complete neurotic behavior, (or at least, that’s what my husband called it.  I’m sure I was behaving quite normal!). 

I was so relieved to try Fresh Wave’s Crystal Gel and Home Spray.  I stuck a few of the gel-filled containers in our smelliest areas.  At first, there was a citrusy smell that I worried might be too overpowering.  But, within hours, the smell completely neutralized and I smelled NOTHING.  No foul smells and no over-the-top fake smells.  It was perfect. 

I stuck a few more small odor packets in some strategic places throughout the house and armed myself with a spray for any last-minute emergencies 10 minutes before a showing.  Having a house on the market is still a complete stress fest.  But, seriously, the smell part of that stress is drastically less.  By the way, does anyone want to buy an adorable 1927 Tudor in Lakewood Elementary’s district? 🙂

Fresh Wave Dallas Moms Blog Boys4. Restoring Freshness to a Preteen Room

Becky, Mom of 3 (ages 13, 11 & 8): My two boys (age 11 and 8) share a room.  They both play sports and spend most afternoons running around in the backyard.  Their hamper seems to always be full of sweaty clothes, no matter how often I do laundry.  There’s also a pile of sneakers, basketball shoes, cleats, dress shoes, and slippers at the bottom of their closet.  If I were to describe the smell of their closet nicely, I would say it’s not exactly “fresh or clean.”  In fact, the smell was so pungent that I almost dreaded opening the door.  I decided to place the Fresh Wave Odor Removing Gel Canister on a shelf in the closet, and within a couple of days I noticed a huge difference.  The closet really does smell fresh now which makes their bedroom much more pleasant.  I feel comfortable leaving the gel in there because I know it’s safe and non-toxic, so it’s okay if it were to get accidentally knocked over.  This is a solution that has really worked for our family.

If you’d like to give Fresh Wave a try, visit their website to find a Target store near you where product is exclusively available. Or follow along on social media for sales, exclusive offers, and coupons! 

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Disclosure: This post has been sponsored by Fresh Wave. All opinions are 100% our own because we genuinely love this product! 


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