20 Things You Don’t Have To Do During Your Quarantine


I don’t want to quaran-splain you, but moms of small children really got the short end of the stick during this Coronavirus nightmare called “quarantine”. This is not a mandatory vacation. We are not Netflix and chilling, learning another language or just peacefully working on Zoom calls in our pjs. It is a non-stop family adventure filled with diapers, homeschooling and so so so much Disney+ with no sight of grandma on her way to give us a break. None of us have peed alone in weeks.

My goals for this time of mandatory togetherness are simple: Stay home. Stay well. Stay sane. Anything that serves those goals gets to stay. Anything that does not serve those goals has to go. So if you other moms are feeling the pressure of all the lists and advice on all the things that you should be doing during this time, allow me to give you a list of things that you don’t need to feel any pressure whatsoever to do, no matter what the internet tells you.

Do not feel bad if you choose not use this quarantined time to:

  1. Become a chef.
  2. Potty train your toddler.
  3. Do every free program offered on the internet.
  4. Listen to your kids all the time.
  5. Start that project you have been meaning to start.
  6. Organize your garage.
  7. Implement a new chore system.
  8. Make your bed every day.
  9. Start a new fitness routine.
  10. Keep a diary of these days for remembering.
  11. Edit your clothes into a capsule wardrobe.
  12. Bake bread.
  13. Learn a TikTok dance.
  14. Wear real pants.
  15. Put on makeup every day.
  16. Develop a 65 step skincare routine.
  17. Watch Tiger King.
  18. Keep a daily schedule.
  19. Listen to the news.
  20. Try to turn your children into the perfect humans you think they can be.

There is nothing wrong with doing any of these during quarantine. I am, in fact, doing several. We all get to choose our own adventure and if something unessential stresses you out, it needs to go. This is a no roadmap situation. And you don’t have to feel bad or shamed by having the tv on all day, throwing out cereal and mac and cheese and praying you can hang on until bedtime. Reach out to friends. Rotate bedtime duties with your husband. Take a long walk alone. Do anything and everything you need to in order to take care of your family. You are not alone in struggling, and you are not alone in thinking this is hard. We can do this, mamas.

Stay Home. Stay Well. Stay Sane.


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