It’s that time of the year: the magical 100th day of school! My kids have been buzzing about what to put on their shirt and poster since before the holiday season, and some of their ideas have been super entertaining.
Some schools celebrate with in-school activities and crafts while others encourage kiddos to dress up like 100-year-olds. I know some schools ask you to work on a project at home in advance — a shirt with 100 things attached or a hat with 100 elements on it (fire up the hot glue gun!). However your school decides to celebrate, it’s worth participating and hyping the kids up a little. 100 days is a huge milestone!
To save you all some time and energy, here is an alphabetized list of ideas to assist with planning of the centuplicate day.
Bonus: Most of these items can be glued, taped, or adhered somehow to either a shirt, poster, or a jar! Get creative!
- 100 acts of kindness
- 100 favorite words
- 100 Grand candy bar
- 100 ounces of a liquid
- Acorns/nuts from outside
- Arrowheads or other special rocks
- Balloons (blown up or deflated)
- Balls/shapes of dough
- Band-Aids (theme: “I survived 100 days of school”)
- Beads
- Beans
- Birthday candles
- Bookmarks
- Bottle caps
- Bouncy balls
- Buttons
- Candy corn
- Cheerios or other cereal
- Chocolate chips
- Clothes pins
- Coins
- Conversation hearts (theme: “100 reasons I love you”)
- Corks
- Cotton balls
- Cough drops
- Crayons, pencils, or markers
- Cupcake wrappers
- Dice
- Envelopes
- Erasers
- Feathers (theme: “100 days flew by”)
- Goldfish
- Googly eyes (theme: “‘Eye’ made it 100 days”)
- Guitar picks
- Gumballs
- Gummy worms
- Handprints
- Hershey’s Kisses
- Jewel/gem stickers
- Leaves
- Legos
- Lollipops
- M&Ms or other small candies
- Magnets
- Mailing stamps
- Marbles
- Mardi Gras necklaces
- Marshmallows
- Miniature flags
- Monopoly or board game money
- Packing peanuts
- Paint or write 20 sets of tally marks
- Paint or write 100 stars (theme: “100 days brighter”)
- Paint sample swatches from the hardware store
- Paperclips
- Pasta noodles
- Peppermint candies
- Pepperonis
- Pictures (photos, cut-outs from magazines, etc.)
>> RECOMMENDED RESOURCE :: Guide to Childcare & Schools in and Around Dallas <<
- Pipe cleaners
- Plastic bugs or animals (theme: “I’ve bugged my teacher for 100 Days”)
- Plastic utensils
- Pogs and slammers
- Popcorn (popped or unpopped)
- Postcards
- Potato chips
- Pressed flowers
- Pretzels
- Prize tickets from an arcade
- Puff balls
- Puzzle pieces
- Q-tips
- Rubber bands or hair ties
- Rubber stamp impressions
- Screws, nuts, and/or bolts
- Seashells
- Shape a carrot and two cucumber slices to form “100”
- Shoelaces or ribbons
- Sidewalk chalk
- Sleeve of 100 cups or plates
- Slices of different colored paper
- Sprinkles
- Starburst
- Stickers
- Sticks and twigs
- Sticky notes
- Straws
- Streamers
- Sunflower or pumpkin seeds
- SweeTarts
- Temporary tattoos
- Thimbles
- Tickets stubs or individual tickets from a roll
- Tongue depressors or popsicle sticks
- Toothpicks
- Tootsie Rolls
- Trading cards
- Washers (found in the garage)
- Wooden blocks
- Write down the numbers one through 100
Any other great ideas out there? Please share!